We would like to introduce you to Liam and His World. Liam is a pool professional and would like to stress to you that it is so important in the world of swimming pools to only deal with pool professionals. Liam will be leaving blog posts here from time to time sharing his professional advice on how to take care of your swimming pool.
Today, he has an urgent issue to tell you about concerning his world. Liam wants you to understand how important yearly equipment checks and filter cleanings are.

Liam said 1st, you only trust a professional, like him or Aquarama Pools Service Department. You can call or text them at 770-422-6291. 2nd, a yearly equipment check is just like a tuneup for your car, you need to make sure you do not have any problems and you do routine maintanance to prevent problems with your pool equipment. The professionals or Liam, will check all of your pool equipment, lubricate your valves, test your timer/freeze guard, check your pool automation, check your skimmer baskets and pump baskets for damage, and all other equipment and will provide you a full tuneup report.
As well, Liam would like to remind you to clean your cartridge filter, DE Filter and sand filter. He said the professionals can tell you how to do that also and do it for you if you wish not to. We recommend changing the sand in the sand filter every 3-4 years. DE filters and Cartridge filters need cleaning based on the pressure on the pressure gauge.
So don’t delay, cold weather is coming and you need to be prepared. Liam says if you need any help to please call today!